In January 2021, Our House launched a powerful new partnership.

For one year, Our House’s Family Services team will be part of a network of nonprofits participating in the City of Atlanta’s Coronavirus Relief Fund COVID Recovery Rapid Re-Housing Initiative with Partners for HOME. The initiative is part of an ambitious $24.1 million dollar effort to stabilize housing for 2,000 households across the Greater Atlanta community in the next year, including 800 households through Rapid Re-Housing, and 1,200 households through Diversion. The effort is funded through a combination of federal CARES Act dollars and private philanthropy.

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) is a relatively innovative housing policy, and part of the Housing First approach to end homelessness. RRH programs include housing identification, rent and move-in assistance (typically lasting 4-6 months), and ongoing case management and support services.

Our House’s team will specifically offer tailored case management and support services to families with children experiencing chronic or near chronic homelessness; and unaccompanied youth and young adults (with or without children) experiencing homelessness.

Since January, 15 families supported by Our House case managers have successfully moved into their own apartments (each with 1-year leases). Our House case managers are also working with 23 more families currently going through the re-housing process.

“It is overwhelming to see the joy and relief our families feel as they pick up their keys and walk through their new homes,” says Raven Whavers, Our House’s Director of Housing and Family Services. “We are truly grateful to participate in this partnership and to help connect more area families with the shelter and support they need to live and thrive.”

Read more about the program: