The Genesis Fund & 711 Society

Your contribution helps us provide shelter and healthcare to live and education to thrive for the most vulnerable families in our community.

About Our Giving Circle

In commemoration of the Our House 30th anniversary, we founded our first-ever annual fund and major giving circle, encouraging our most generous donors to include Our House in their yearly philanthropic plans. Annual support from donors is critical to providing the programs and services that move families from homelessness to self-sufficiency.
The 711 Society is an homage to the original home of Our House, located at 711 South Columbia Drive in Decatur, Georgia—and to its longstanding mission to break the chains of homelessness. We invite you to become a member of the 711 Society with a fully tax-deductible gift of $1,000 or more. The greatest benefit of membership is knowing your support will directly impact the lives of hundreds of children and families who are experiencing homelessness each year. Please see the enclosed listing for additional benefits.

Genesis Fund Member Benefits

Hope: $250 - $499
Listing in Our House Annual Report Listing on the Our House website Listing on exquisite Our House Donor Wall

Listing in Our House Annual Report 
Listing on the Our House website
Listing on exquisite Our House Donor Wall

711 Society Member Benefits

Encourage: $1,000 – $4,999

Founding Member of Our House 711 Society 
Our House 711 Society lapel pin
Listing in Our House Annual Report
Listing on the Our House website
Listing on exquisite Our House donor wall
Invitation to private Our House donor recognition event

Personal thank you from Our House program participant All previously listed benefits

Special thank you project created by Our House students
All previously listed benefits 

Donor spotlight feature in Our House newsletter 
All previously listed benefits

Invitation to private CEO talk and tea/coffee and conversation
Recognition on Our House social media channels 
All previously listed benefits


Every donation we receive—small or large—is a generous gift and critical to our success. Your financial contribution enables us to give families experiencing homelessness the tools, support, and education they need to thrive.
Ways to Donate:

Donate Online 

Donate By Mail

Donate Stocks and Securities

Planned Giving