Corporate Partner Program

We work with companies of all sizes to create solutions that align with company goals and missions in unique impactful ways.

We are proud to partner with corporations that believe in our mission to provide a pathway to stability and independence for families experiencing homelessness through access to health care, early childhood education, housing, and employment.

By partnering with Our House, businesses enhance their community profile and showcase their commitment to ending family homelessness. All corporate partners receive recognition at Our House’s two biggest annual events, the OH Gala and Wheels4Walls, as well as networking and marketing benefits throughout the year.

Thank You to Our Sponsors


Community Leader: $100,000+

Our House provides children ages 6 weeks to 5 years of age nationally accredited early learning experiences at our Atlanta and Decatur campuses. Your $100,000 sponsorship ($8,333/month*) will provide 6 months of classes to 20 young scholars.
Community Leaders receive the following benefits:
  • 2 dedicated speaker events featuring Our House’s CEO, a board member, or another subject matter expert
  • 1 dedicated volunteer event for corporate employees
  • 3 company spotlights in Our House blog, email, and social media channels each year
  • Invitation to Our House corporate partner networking opportunities
  • 20 guest seats at the OH! What a Night Gala
  • Company recognition on assigned private table at the Gala
  • Special recognition during the Gala program and on auction site
  • Company included in Gala and Wheels4Walls press releases
  • Logo/name placement on Gala print invitation
  • Logo/name placement on Gala event signage
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala registration sites
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala social media
  • Linked logo/name placement on Our House’s corporate partner web page
  • Company listing in Our House’s annual report
  • Company listing on Our House’s Donor Walls (Atlanta and Decatur)

Shelter Champion: $50,000+

Our House provides families experiencing homelessness with emergency shelter. Your $50,000 sponsorship ($4,166/month*) will house 5 families of 4 for up to 6 months in our emergency shelter, complete with daily meals, laundry, basic supplies, and case management.

Shelter Champions receive the following benefits:

  • 1 dedicated speaker event featuring Our House’s CEO, a board member, or another subject matter expert
  • 1 dedicated volunteer event for corporate employees
  • 2 company spotlights in Our House blog, email, and social media channels each year
  • Invitation to Our House corporate partner networking opportunities
  • 10 guest seats at the OH! What a Night Gala
  • Company recognition on assigned private table at the Gala
  • Special recognition during the Gala program and on auction site
  • Company included in Gala and Wheels4Walls press releases
  • Logo/name placement on Gala print invitation
  • Logo/name placement on Gala event signage
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala registration sites
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala social media
  • Linked logo/name placement on Our House’s corporate partner web page
  • Company listing in Our House’s annual report
  • Company listing on Our House’s Donor Walls (Atlanta and Decatur)

Education Hero: $25,000+

Each fall and spring, Our House trains adults to enter the field of early childhood education. Your $25,000 sponsorship ($2,083/month*) will enable 7 low-income adults to achieve the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential with 120 hours of instruction and a 5-month paid internship.

Education Heroes receive the following benefits:

  • 1 company spotlight in Our House blog, email, and social media channels
  • Invitation to Our House corporate partner networking opportunities
  • 10 guest seats at the OH! What a Night Gala
  • Company recognition on assigned private table at the Gala
  • Special recognition during the Gala program and on auction site
  • Company included in Gala and Wheels4Walls press releases
  • Logo/name placement on Gala print invitation
  • Logo/name placement on Gala event signage
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala registration sites
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala social media
  • Linked logo/name placement on Our House’s corporate partner web page
  • Company listing in Our House’s annual report
  • Company listing on Our House’s Donor Walls (Atlanta and Decatur)

Wraparound Supporter: $15,000+

Our House’s shelter offers families experiencing homelessness a safe place to rebuild their lives. Your $15,000 sponsorship ($1,250/month*) will provide 269 nights of shelter, food, basic supplies, and comprehensive support to parents and children in need.

Wraparound Supporters receive the following benefits:

  • Invitation to Our House corporate partner networking opportunities
  • 8 guest seats at the OH! What a Night Gala
  • Company recognition on assigned private table at the Gala
  • Logo/name placement on Gala print invitation
  • Logo/name placement on Gala event signage
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala registration sites
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala social media
  • Linked logo/name placement on Our House’s corporate partner web page
  • Company listing in Our House’s annual report
  • Company listing on Our House’s Donor Walls (Atlanta and Decatur)

Family Partner: $10,000+

For many families experiencing homelessness, public transportation is their only option to get to and from work. Your $10,000 sponsorship ($833/month*) will provide 100 monthly MARTA passes for clients to travel to and from work or school.

Family Partners receive the following benefits:

  • Invitation to Our House corporate partner networking opportunities
  • 6 guest seats at the OH! What a Night Gala
  • Company recognition on assigned private table at the Gala
  • Logo/name placement on Gala print invitation
  • Logo/name placement on Gala event signage
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala registration sites
  • Logo/name placement in Wheels4Walls and Gala social media
  • Linked logo/name placement on Our House’s corporate partner web page
  • Company listing in Our House’s annual report
  • Company listing on Our House’s Donor Walls (Atlanta and Decatur)

We can partner together, contact us today: