Shelter & Healthcare to Live. Education to Thrive.

At Our House, we provide transformative care to end the cycle of homelessness for families. Our interrelated programs address the root causes of homelessness and ensure every family that leaves Our House has the tools needed to achieve lasting self-sufficiency.

children and adults experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness served last fiscal year.
families served in our Human Services programs including Early Childhood Education, Housing and Family Service, and Workforce Development last fiscal year.
medically underserved children and adults served in our integrated community health program through 4,756 clinic visits last fiscal year.

Our Programs

Our programs are designed to enrich the lives of children and families experiencing homelessness with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to end the cycle of homelessness and poverty.

Early Childhood Education
The research is definitive: The years between birth and age 5 set the stage for a child’s ability to become a healthy, independent adult. By mitigating the effects of homelessness on young children and closing the developmental gap between them and their housed peers, we are tackling homelessness at its source.

The cornerstone of our Housing Services program is a shelter dedicated to families experiencing homelessness, with at least one child under 5 years old, located in the City of Atlanta. 

This 76-bed facility offers a safe and supportive environment, providing families with private rooms, daily nutritious meals, laundry services, and weekly provisions of infant and personal care items. 

In addition to shelter, residents benefit from free childcare, job training, and case management services. Our Rapid Rehousing program further supports families by offering financial assistance, case management, and housing identification, all tailored to each family’s unique needs. 

The program aims to reduce the duration of homelessness and remove barriers to long-term housing stability.

A Nursing Model – The nursing model places individuals, families, and communities at the center of care delivery. Along with a shared-decision making approach, we provide low-barrier care for all that empowers our patients and strengthens our communities.

Overcoming homelessness is almost impossible without stable and adequate employment. Providing individuals experiencing homelessness with job training skills and resources they need to secure and sustain employment is critical to helping adults break the cycle of homelessness.
Families enrolled in each of our core programs – Early Childhood Education, Housing Services, or Employment Training Services – receive individualized case management through our Family Support Services program. Each family is assigned a Family Advocate, who offers the support and resources needed to gain financial stability and permanent housing.

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Your involvement in Our House is a way to help us achieve our vision of creating a self-sufficient family for every child. Get involved through the many opportunities Our House allows.

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Our House provides a safe and stable place for your family. We welcome you with open arms and tailor our services based on your family’s specific needs. Our House is your house.